Thursday, August 6, 2009

Time has FLOWN BY

Here is Hailey at grandpa's house blowing bubbles with a little fake smile!!

Wouldn't you love to wake up and be this happy?

These are Hailey's new shoes that she will never wear... she loves her exersaucer.

When I was out in Utah with my Alycia in May, we went to Sear's Portrait studio and got a TON of cute pictures taken. This one is my favorite with her tongue! She is something else.

Here is the little face I absolutely adore! Here she is doing it a little, but when she gets real excited, she crinkles up her nose just like me... I love it!! For those of you who knew my grandmother, I definitely inherited her nose... with the little "witch tilt" hahaha and I think my little girl is gonna have it too!

It has been about four months since I have last posted and so much has changed in my life! We moved back closer to home... in Jersey. We just got a new apartment in Morrisville, PA - about 10 minutes from both our parents houses. It's a lot smaller than our other apartment, but it's still nice. The bedroom is bigger here but the living room is smaller. It's not an apartment complex, which I really like and the neighborhood is really quiet! Besides the fact that we live right next to the railroad tracks and its pretty noisy from that at night...

So Hailey is now 8 months. She has 8 teeth now. She started teething around 3 months and her first bottom two broke thru a week after she turned 4 months. So I am gonna let you all know that I have not had a full night sleep in 8 months... lol. She is 27 inches long and weighs 19.3 pounds. She most definitely is a little fat girl! She is a chunky monkey. She has just started two weeks ago getting up on her hands and knees, rocking back and forth, so I definitely think soon crawling will be in the picture. As of two weeks ago she also now sits up on her own and picks up her cheerios and trys to feed herself but they mostly all end up down her onsie... Bless her heart!

Well I got a full time job working at a Home Owners Association as an office manager. I work monday thru friday 9 to 5. I miss my little girl terribly but I absolutely love my job. It is always what I've wanted to do. Scott is still out of work so he is playing up the Mr. Mom job quite well. As long as I come home and she's feed, changed and not screaming her face off, I'm happy!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

My baby girl is so big!

Hailey is now three months old! She has gotten so big and so much fun. She now rolls over and can pull herself up sitting when you hold her hands. She has gottten to be such a stinker - she yells at me! She cries, laughs, talks, but when she gets mad or irritated at something, she literally yells. It is so cute!! I can tell I'm gonna have a handful.
Well, she's been sleeping a little better for me. Not much, but I can't complain. She's been taking better naps during the day which is probably why she won't sleep as well through the night. However, I did have one night of complete sleep. That was Valentine's day - I guess she was giving me a present. But, since then she's been getting up every 3 or 4 hours. Hopefully she sleeps better soon!
I was finally able to wash her 3-6 month size clothes and go through her dresser. This little girl has way too much clothing for any person! I was given soooo many clothes for her it was ridiculous. Although, I'll be pretty happy when I don't have to do laundry every few days. The good thing is, I have clothes all the way up to 18 months, so I should be good for a while.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

On the 10th Hailey had her second doctor's appointment. We were guessing she was around 10 or 12 pounds and she was. 11 pounds 1 ounce!! And she is now 22 1/2 inches long. I can't believe how much she's grown. She is just so different from when we brought her home. Then she was so so little and fragile, and she cuddly. Now, he's so developed and active! I can't wait till she can crawl and be mobile herself. It will be so neat to see her crawling around grabbing stuff. Of course, she also had to get her first shots. I opted not to get her hepatitis shot in the hospital, so she had to get that one and three other shots. I felt so bad for my little boogie. They had me hold her hands during her shots and I just stroked her face and rubbed her fingers while she stared at me with tears in her eyes. It was so sad!

The past week has been great. Hailey has been sleeping so much better lately and I am so grateful. For three nights in a row she slept from 7 at night to 4 in the morning. The next two nights were alright - she would sleep for 4 or 5 hours. And then on the way home from the doctors she fell asleep, that was around 4 and slept until 1:30. So hopefully she will start a really good sleep pattern and soon sleep through the entire night!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Best Picture

This is Hailey's best picture yet - I think. I meant to put it up last night with her other picture, since this is from when Scott's mom visited, but she did not stay asleep very long after I put her down. Well, anyways, off to work...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hailey's First Real Laugh

This weekend Scott's mother and sister Sherry came to visit us for the day. It was fun - we got food, attempted to watch The Rocker, and just hung out. While Sherry and I went and picked up the food, Hailey and her grandma were able to spend time together. She fed her and got her to take a little nap. Thankfully, she brought up Scott's digital camera that we left down there at our Christmas visit. She got tons of cute pictures of Hailey while she was down.
She got Hailey a pink, red and white Eagles sleeper since Scott is a big fan of them. It's sized 3 to 6 months so she'll be able to wear it soon!
Last night while I was getting her to bed, I was sitting on the couch rocking her and her eyes closed. I kept an eye on it to see when she was fully knocked out and she starting smiling. Her eyes were completely closed and she had the binky in her mouth, so you can imagine how humorous this is to Scott and I. Scott was playing his PS3 and when I told him she was smiling in her sleep, he came over and she started smiling even harder, then her touched her cheek and she giggled her first real giggle. It was soooo cute!
Today was not a good day - she was incredibly fussy since she woke up. It could have something to do with her falling asleep on me at 6 in the morning after a feeding and I didn't get to burp her, or she was still tired when she woke up. So I gave her a bath around 5 and put her to bed afterwords. Hopefully she sleeps for a while because I know she is tired!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Pictures from the past two months

Hailey reaches new heights!

Last night Hailey slept for the longest she ever has. Recently she has been sleeping eight or nine hours at a time but last night she hit the record - eleven and a half hours!! Too bad everytime she sleeps that long is from around four or five to one or two in the morning and in the carseat after running around with me doing my errarnds or at my grandfathers house, which always puts her to sleep.
She is such a happy baby. She just lays and stares up at you and occasionally talks out a whole conversation. I never thought that motherhood would be a fun and as exciting as it is with all the discoveries you see everyday. Don't get me wrong - the first two or three weeks were a little rough with no sleep but she has taken care of that for me. But I just feel so lucky to have her as my daughter. Just looking at her makes me happy.
Well I got cut on hours this week which I'm not so happy about, but at least it lets me spend more time at home with my family and get a bunch of stuff done that needs done. Hailey and I had to run a ton of errands today. We had to go to Sovereign bank and then go grocery shopping, we had to stop at my job to pick up my check and then deposit it at Commerce bank, then we had to stop and get gas, and then go pay the rent for our apartment. Luckily she feel asleep while I was shopping. She's not a big fan of car rides unless she's really tired or really really calm, so I was happy that I could get all my stops taken car of.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Our Family got one bigger...

On November 30, 2008 Hailey Marie Benedetti joined our family of four - Scott and I, and our two dogs Zoey and Twilight. She weighed 6 pounds and 3.8 ounces and was 18 inches long. She is now two months old and is growing everyday. She holds her neck up, smiles and giggles, talks to us and kick her legs straight up. She is so much fun to be around, however, she gets her fits just as bad on the other end of the margin. I have no complaints though and I love my daughter more and more everyday.

Scott and I met after my eighteenth birthday throught a friend and have been together since. We both grew up in New Jersey and just got our first apartment in Hershey, Pennsylvania in May of this past year.