Saturday, March 14, 2009

My baby girl is so big!

Hailey is now three months old! She has gotten so big and so much fun. She now rolls over and can pull herself up sitting when you hold her hands. She has gottten to be such a stinker - she yells at me! She cries, laughs, talks, but when she gets mad or irritated at something, she literally yells. It is so cute!! I can tell I'm gonna have a handful.
Well, she's been sleeping a little better for me. Not much, but I can't complain. She's been taking better naps during the day which is probably why she won't sleep as well through the night. However, I did have one night of complete sleep. That was Valentine's day - I guess she was giving me a present. But, since then she's been getting up every 3 or 4 hours. Hopefully she sleeps better soon!
I was finally able to wash her 3-6 month size clothes and go through her dresser. This little girl has way too much clothing for any person! I was given soooo many clothes for her it was ridiculous. Although, I'll be pretty happy when I don't have to do laundry every few days. The good thing is, I have clothes all the way up to 18 months, so I should be good for a while.