Thursday, August 6, 2009

Time has FLOWN BY

Here is Hailey at grandpa's house blowing bubbles with a little fake smile!!

Wouldn't you love to wake up and be this happy?

These are Hailey's new shoes that she will never wear... she loves her exersaucer.

When I was out in Utah with my Alycia in May, we went to Sear's Portrait studio and got a TON of cute pictures taken. This one is my favorite with her tongue! She is something else.

Here is the little face I absolutely adore! Here she is doing it a little, but when she gets real excited, she crinkles up her nose just like me... I love it!! For those of you who knew my grandmother, I definitely inherited her nose... with the little "witch tilt" hahaha and I think my little girl is gonna have it too!

It has been about four months since I have last posted and so much has changed in my life! We moved back closer to home... in Jersey. We just got a new apartment in Morrisville, PA - about 10 minutes from both our parents houses. It's a lot smaller than our other apartment, but it's still nice. The bedroom is bigger here but the living room is smaller. It's not an apartment complex, which I really like and the neighborhood is really quiet! Besides the fact that we live right next to the railroad tracks and its pretty noisy from that at night...

So Hailey is now 8 months. She has 8 teeth now. She started teething around 3 months and her first bottom two broke thru a week after she turned 4 months. So I am gonna let you all know that I have not had a full night sleep in 8 months... lol. She is 27 inches long and weighs 19.3 pounds. She most definitely is a little fat girl! She is a chunky monkey. She has just started two weeks ago getting up on her hands and knees, rocking back and forth, so I definitely think soon crawling will be in the picture. As of two weeks ago she also now sits up on her own and picks up her cheerios and trys to feed herself but they mostly all end up down her onsie... Bless her heart!

Well I got a full time job working at a Home Owners Association as an office manager. I work monday thru friday 9 to 5. I miss my little girl terribly but I absolutely love my job. It is always what I've wanted to do. Scott is still out of work so he is playing up the Mr. Mom job quite well. As long as I come home and she's feed, changed and not screaming her face off, I'm happy!